
Photoscape is a photo editor and viewer in one. It contains highlights that commonly require at least two projects to be introduced. You can check out and alter photographs, make collections, make inventories, add symbols and components, make GIFs, and significantly more.
When you open the application, you will see a wheel where you can choose any of the highlights accessible in the program, and you can get to the majority of them through the tabs at the highest point of the screen. You can combine files, take screenshots, rename files, and batch convert.raw files to.jpg in this section.
In the view region, you can see all the photographs in an organizer. On the off chance that you double tap on one of them, it very well may be seen in full screen. At the base, all the data about your screen capture will show up, and you can go to the following picture with your mouse or console.
In the proofreader, you will track down highlights for adding outlines, smoothing, expanding subtleties, changing differentiation and brilliance, adding channels, editing, and so on. You can alter individual photographs or apply similar settings to a gathering of photographs immediately.
At last, you have choices to make photograph collections with various other options, consolidate two photographs into one, make enlivened GIFs, or print photographs coordinated into a network.

In the event that you are searching for a free and lightweight photograph proofreader and watcher, go ahead and download Photoscape.