The Food Lab

The Food Lab

The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science

Have you ever wondered how to fry a steak so that its interior has a charred crust and is perfectly medium-rare when sliced from edge to edge? How can you make homemade mac 'n' cheese that is not only more delicious but also satisfyingly sticky and as soft as blue silk? How do you roast a moist, tender turkey without using fermentation? what's more, utilize a strategy that is ensured to work like clockwork?

J. Kenji López-Alt, Serious Eats' culinary expert, has considered all of these issues and more. , where he focuses on the science behind popular American dishes. Kenji says that traditional methods don't always work well, and home cooks can do much better with new, but simple, techniques. You'll learn how to make a crisp, how to make a simple tomato sauce into a half-dozen dishes, and how to make hollandaise sauce in just two minutes in hundreds of easy-to-follow recipes with over 1,000 full-color photos. Plus a lot more: the creamiest potato casserole ever.